
steirischer herbst festival gmbh

Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria
t +43 316 823 007 / f +43 316 823 007 77 /

FN 263904 w / Landes- als Handelgericht Graz / UID ATU61788033
Mitglied der Österreichischen Wirtschaftskammer

Bank details
Bank für Kärnten und Steiermark
BLZ 17000 / KTO 180-042415
IBAN AT36 1700 0001 8004 2415 /BIC BFKKAT2K

Legal regulations
Gesetz über Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbHG) and Gewerbeordnung

Disclosure in accordance with § 25 MedienG

steirischer herbst festival gmbh / Sackstraße 17 / 8010 Graz / Austria

Object of the Company
To plan and carry out cultural events in the context of steirischer herbst, to manage companies of the same or similar nature, and to participate in such companies or in companies affiliated or subordinate to the Company, if required by the object of the Company.

Mag. Veronica Kaup-Hasler

Supervisory Board
Dr. Heinz Wietrzyk, Dr. Monika Isola, Dr. Peter Nebel, Lisa Rücker, Dr. Gerhard Rüsch, Alexia Getzinger, MAS

Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz

Basic orientation
To provide information to visitors, individuals interested in steirischer herbst and all those interested in contemporary art. steirischer herbst is the oldest multidisciplinary festival of contemporary art in Europe.