Dokumentary film programmes

Documentary film programme for children and young people

The documentary film programme for children and young people doxs! is taking place for the seventh time at steirischer herbst 2013, screening films that relate to the theme of the festival and which deal with topics, problems, but also the visual language and aesthetic of children and young people. The aim of the programme is to present documentary film cultures as relevant narrative strategies in contemporary film and to work towards establishing alternative skills for a critical, reflective, expert and autonomous handling of the film medium. Here again, as a cross-discipline festival, steirischer herbst not only intervenes in current artistic debates, but also in current media education strategies.

Film programme
07/10 - 11/10
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

The notion of friendship is not only enjoying a vogue amongst young people thanks to the expansion of social networks. Even if it appears as if gangs and cliques are increasingly being superseded by virtual groups and lists, the concrete negotiation of social relations amongst one’s friends and family remains formative in the lives of children and young people. Be it the argument with one’s best friend, parental unreasonableness or the torment of one’s first love: the critical remainder of interaction between people needs to be debated, reflected on, and acted out.
The “Beziehungskisten” film programme takes a documentary look at these emotional involvements of young people and their everyday relationship work. The focus is not only on the ups and downs of family and friendship ties, but also on socio-political questions of belonging and exclusion. Some films deal sensitively with conflicts with parents and siblings (“Der Vorführer”), others imaginatively picture attempts to break free (“Mein Traum”) or stage the dynamics of relationships between friends (“Die Bande”). The at times precarious relationship between the individual and society is examined by the Finnish film “Playground”, which takes the example of a group of young people whose friendship involves hotly debating the heterogeneity of their origin, religion and opinions. “Praxis”, a documentary observation of initiation rites at Portuguese universities, focuses on the ambivalence of social interaction and the power of hierarchic structures.
Eleven films, eleven relationships: a documentary journey through the sphere of living together, for each other, in relation to and against one another.

Curator Gudrun Sommer
Participation is free of charge. Limited number of participants.
Information and registraion:
p +43 664 24 500 90 /

Mon 07/10, 08.30 - 09.30
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv
L'Equip Petit / Die Kleine Mannschaft
Roger Gómez, Dani Resines
Die Bande
Susanne Schulz
Sendung mit der Maus: Mein Traum – Chiara Singstar
Calle Overweg
Suitable for age 8+
Hosted by Stephanie Lang-Král

Tue 08/10, 08.30 - 10.00
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv
Der Vorführer
Shaheen Dill-Riaz
Anna Wahle
Suitable for age 12/14+
Followed by a film discussion with Anna Wahle
Hosted by Stephanie Lang-Král

Wed 09/10, 08.30 - 10.00
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv
Kwa Heri Mandima / Auf Wiedersehen Mandima
Robert-Jan Lacombe
Bruno Moraes Cabral
Suitable for age 16+
Followed by a film discussion with Bruno Moraes Cabral
Hosted by Roman Fasching

Thu 10/10, 08.30 - 10.00
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv
Oma Lien
Annelies de Wit
Door de Oren van Ellen - Durch Ellens Ohren
Saskia Gubbels
Suitable for age 8/10+
Followed by a film discussion with Saskia Gubbels
Hosted by Petra Erdmann

Fri 11/10, 08.30 - 10.00
Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv
Jeunesses françaises / Jugend in Frankreich
Stéphan Castang
Leikkipuisto / Playground
Susanna Helke
Suitable for age 14/16+
Hosted by Roman Fasching

In co-operation with doxs! / Duisburger Filmwoche